#======== Input and Output Files ======= VideoInputFileBaseName : C:\md\vids\original\MPEG_MVD_bookarrival_VN$_CTv_RS768X1024.yuv # input video file basename, '$' is replaced by ViewNumber DepthInputFileBaseName : C:\md\vids\original\MPEG_MVD_bookarrival_VN$_CTd_RS768X1024.yuv # input depth file basename, '$' is replaced by ViewNumber SynthOutputFileBaseName : C:\md\temp\book_synth_$_RS768X1024.yuv # output video file basename, '$' is replaced by ViewNumber ContOutputFileNumbering : 0 # for SynthOutputFileBaseName only: 0 = Replace '$' with real view numbers, 1 = Replace '$' from Left View to Right View beginning with 0 #======== File Specification ======= SourceWidth : 1024 # width in pel SourceHeight : 768 # height in pel FrameSkip : 0 # frames to skip from beginning FramesToBeRendered : 5 # 0 for all #======== Camera Specification ======= BaseViewCameraNumbers : 10 8 # numbers of base views, (From left to right) SynthViewCameraNumbers : 0 : 0.25 : 2 # numbers or range of synthesized views CameraParameterFile : c:\md\codecs\MVDC005_64\cfg\cam_para.cfg # name of camera parameter file #======== Rendering Parameters ======= RenderDirection : 0 # 0: interpolate, 1: extrapolate from left, 2: exterpolate from right RendererMode : 0 # 0: use Renderer, 1: use Model, 10: generate used pels map #======== Sampling ======== UVup : 1 # upsampling of chroma planes before processing Log2SamplingFactor : 0 # factor for horizontal upsampling before processing (Only supported for Interpolation mode 1) #======== Pre/ PostProcesssing ======== PreProcMode : 0 # depth pre-processing: 0 = none, 1 = binominal filtering PreFilterSize : 0 # for PreProcMode = 1: half size of filter kernel TemporalDepthFilter : 1 # 0: off, 1: temporal depth filter of non-moving blocks ( tool from VSRS Software) PostProcMode : 0 # 0: none, 1: horizontal 3-tap median #======== Interpolation ======== InterpolationMode : 4 # 0: NN, 1:linear (int), 2:linear (double) , 3:cspline (double), 4: 8-tap/4-tap HEVC (int) ShiftPrecision : 2 # precision of Shifts 0: full pel, 1: half pel, 2: quater pel( should be 0 for interpolation modes 0, 2 and 3) #======== Hole Filling ======== HoleFillingMode : 1 # 0: none, 1: line wise background extension #======== Blending ======== BlendMode : 0 # blending of left and right image: 0: average, 1: holes from right, 2: only holes from left, 3: adaptively from BaseViewCameraNumbers order BlendZThresPerc : 30 # Z-difference threshold for blending in percent of total Z-range BlendUseDistWeight : 1 # 0: blending using average; 1: weight blending depending on view distance BlendHoleMargin : 4 # Margin next holes to fill with other view in interpolation or to cut in extrapolation ( should be 2 for extrapolation) #======== Used Pel Map Generation ======== UsedPelMapMarExt : 0 # Dilation width of used pel map